Alexander Levi, AIA and Amanda Schachter, AIA are co-founders and principals of SLO Architecture, founded in Madrid in 2005 and based in their native New York City since 2007.

Harvest Dome
Harvest Dome

Schachter and Levi are 2013 New York Foundation for the Arts Fellows, and recipients of the inaugural 2013 Dwell Vision Award for Harvest Dome 2.0.  They were named winners of New Practices New York 2012, a biennial award of the New York chapter of the American Institute of Architects.  They are 2011 recipients of the Blinder Award of the James Marston Fitch Foundation, and the 2009 Van Alen Institute New York Prize Fellowship in Public Architecture.

Harvest Dome
Harvest Dome

SLO links realms of the urban and architectural design with artistic production and social action, bringing together heterogeneous participants, from expert practitioners and city agencies to rooted local teens and volunteers, to re-vindicate social, physical and cultural conditions of neighborhoods on perceived margins of the city.  SLO’s recent and ongoing projects envision connections forged along urban waterways in distressed areas, long fragmented by infrastructural rights-of-way, industry, abandonment and contamination.

Bronx River Right-of-Way
Bronx River Right-of-Way

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Marvin Design Gallery by Eldredge Lumber

Maine Home+Design Magazine

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Albert Putnam Assoc.

Coastal Inc.

Colby Company Engineering

East Brown Cow

Fathom Companies

Fore Street Restaurant

Kevin Browne Architecture

Knickerbocker Group

New England Specialty Stone

Oak Point Associates

Sebago Technics

Thornton Tomasetti

AIA Maine

BSLA Maine

Canal 5 Studio

Carol A. Wilson Architect

Central Maine Power

Gregory Lombardi Design

Hammond Lumber


Illuminate + Coronet

Jeremy Moser and Laura Kittle Fund

Juniper Design+Build

Landry/French Construction

Lavallee Brensinger Architects

Maine Interior Design Association

Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design

mbla inc

Creative Office Resources | MillerKnoll

Nate Holyoke Builders

SMRT Architects and Engineers

soren deniord design studio

Trillium Engineering Group

WBRC Architects Engineers

Whitten Architects


Wright-Ryan Construction

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