April 1, 1993
Ann Beha
Ann Beha Architects
Ann began her career in 1975 with a focus on historic preservation, building on her MIT training and her passion for history, design, cities, and people. As Assistant to the Head of the Department of Architecture and a Research Associate at MIT, Ann focused on academic planning, consensus building, and advocacy, all foundations of her practice.
Ann established Ann Beha Architects as a woman-owned firm, looking at ways that existing buildings could be adapted for contemporary needs, designing for community groups, and advancing young architects leadership. Ann’s advocacy, accomplishments, and volunteer initiatives led to expanded design opportunities with cultural, civic, and educational institutions. With Principals Pamela Hawkes FAIA, Tom Hotaling AIA, Philip Chen FAIA, and Steven Gerrard AIA, ABA’s national and international practice confirmed its leadership and voice for contemporary design and stewardship in civic, cultural and historic settings.